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self-portraits from my mid-term portfolio for ARTSTUDI 171. all photos taken with self-timer. no edits.

(yes, there is a meaning behind the sequencing and captions. no, i’m not going to explain what it is)

captured on Canon 5d Mark III. organized and sequenced in Adobe Lightroom CC.

Part I. Restless Sleep

Part I. Restless Sleep

Chapter 1: Entrance to Limbo

Chapter 1: Entrance to Limbo

Chapter 2: A Curious Daze

Chapter 2: A Curious Daze

Chapter 3: Senescence

Chapter 3: Senescence

Part II. Incendiary Awakening

Part II. Incendiary Awakening

Chapter 4: Centered dissonance

Chapter 4: Centered dissonance

Chapter 5: Reclaimed duality

Chapter 5: Reclaimed duality

Chapter 6: Synergy

Chapter 6: Synergy

Chapter 7: Liberation

Chapter 7: Liberation

Part III. Reborn

Part III. Reborn